6:30 a.m.: Wake up. If the resident has a morning vocational duty, he/she may get up earlier.

7:00 a.m: Short prayer/devotional – group meeting with houseparents to check in and organize for the day

7:30 a.m.: The home eats breakfast together in the dining hall – a typical offering would include biscuits, oatmeal, fruit, bacon, juice, milk

8:15 a.m.: School begins

11:00 a.m.: Lunch in the Dining Hall

11:40 a.m.: Back to class

3:15 p.m.: End of the school day

3:30 –5:00 p.m.: Check in with houseparents and/or head back home for snack time or head off to practice/tutoring/vocational duty/free time

5:00 – 5:30 p.m.: Study/homework/reading time

5:30 p.m.: Dinner time together in the home

6:00 – 6:30 p.m.: Chore time. Vacuum the living room, clean windows and sweep and mop the entryways

6:30 – 7:00 p.m.: Free time – either at home or at the Dippel Activity Center

7:00 – 7:30 p.m.: Shower/hygiene time

7:30 p.m.: Group meeting with the houseparents to discuss plans for next day – prayer/short devotional

7:45 – 8:00 p.m.: Evening snack

8:00 p.m.: The end of each day is different. On laundry day, child may help with laundry. On telephone day, child may call home to talk to family to get an update on how his/her family is doing.

8:30 p.m.: Room time/bedtime.

On Saturdays: your child will have the opportunity to sleep in and breakfast will be served in the home.

On Sunday: all homes attend chapel together and have lunch as a home afterwards.