Senioritis usually affects everyone…

Often the quote for seniors with senioritis is, “Whateva, whateva, I’ll do what I waunt,” as exhibited by the senioritic Eric Cartman from the show South Park.

Symtoms can include

  • Lack of motivation
  • Dismissive attitude
  • Not wanting to study during second semester

How to help seniors with senioritis:

Plan ahead. Encourage seniors to write down all of their deadlines, for applications, papers, tests and so on. Then note your other activities, your sports schedule, drama or band rehearsals, SAT or ACT day, or college visits. Their senior year goes by so fast it can drive them crazy if they are not organized.

Talk about it. Senior year can be sad and exhilarating at the same time. They are experiencing a lot of”lasts”—the last first day of school, the last football game, the last prom. But they’re also looking forward to graduating and starting college.

“Remember in The Wizard of Oz when Scarecrow said ‘part of me is over there and part of me is over here’?” “That’s how seniors feel.” Encourage seniors to talk about their feelings—which can range from fear of leaving high school and Boys Ranch to stress about college admission to the anticipation of the new experiences of paying for everything on their own.

Have fun. Encourage seniors to celebrate their senior year, They have worked a long time to get to this point and should do all they can to enjoy it.