4 Tips for building stronger relationships:

  1. Show up (both physically and emotionally) – Showing up is half the battle.  Whatever your kids are doing try in some way to be a part of it.  We are all busy but time with our kids is finite so find ways to organize your schedule so your kids are one of your top priorities.
  2. Eliminate Distractions– Once you have become both physically and emotionally present then you can better pay attention to your child.  Eliminate any distractions (such as your cell phone) that keep you from giving your child your full attention.
  3. Be Curious by asking questions – Asking questions is how we get to know our kids.  Questions often lead to more questions which lead to conversations.  Some good questions to ask are:  What was the high and lows of your day?  How did you make the world a better place?  If you could change one thing about today what would it be?

Provide Acknowledgement – Make sure the child knows they have been heard by reflecting back what they have shared with you.